Thursday, December 16, 2010

Book Blogger Hop and Follow Friday

The blog hop is hosted by Jen from Crazy for Books.

This weeks question is: What do you consider the most important in a story: the plot or the characters?

Although both plot and characters can be important, I find it really hard to enjoy a good plot if I don't appreciate the characters. I'm also a big fan of literary fiction in which plot doesn't play a key role in the novel so I'm going to have to side with characters in this debate.

Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee 

This week's question: What did you study in college, or are currently studying and did it lead to your current 9 to 5 or are you doing something totally different?

I'm actually still in college. I'm a first year masters student in biological sciences with my area of research being plant epigenetics. And yes, I'm a huge nerd.  I'm hoping for a future in research either in an academic setting like a university or government lab. Hopefully I can find something I love, but I definitely still have quite a few more years of school left first! Reading and blogging are some of the ways I relax and work parts of my brain dedicated to things beside science.

While you're visiting my blog don't forget to enter to win Heidegger's Glasses by Thaisa Frank. Also let me know if you're a new follower so I can make sure to stop by :) Happy Friday everyone and welcome to In The Next Room.


  1. Hi,
    Hopping by and following through.


  2. I think blogging and reading are great ways to relaz,too.
    I tend to like good characters,also.
    I really like your blog button who did it?

  3. I prefer characters over plot. But both are important. Happy Blog Hop.

  4. Just thought I'd stop by and say hello!
    Have a good weekend! :)

  5. Happy Friday! I like your answers! My undergrad was in Molecular Biology & Genetics and I worked in research for a bunch of years before I started teaching. I have a MAEd. I like teaching better than research :) Drop by my blog and see the rest of my answers!

  6. Love your blog design.

    Hopping by from the blog hop.

    Lots of good answers to this week's tough question.

    Stop by my blog to see my answer to this week's question...and I do use my education in my job.

    Also check out a design site I found...pretty neat home decorating is in the right side panel on my blog.

    Happy Holidays!!


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