I haven't read any of the original versions of Little Red Riding Hood, such as the one written by the Brothers Grimm. However, I think it is obvious from the trailer that the film is a very loose adaptation, perhaps taking advantage of the current interest in paranormal and creatures like vampires and werewolves, especially considering the love storyline, which I suspect was not in the original.
Overall, however Red Riding Hood has definitely caught my eye and I am curious to see how it turns out. Maybe before I watch the film I'll read the Grimm tale, just to allow for comparison. The film is due to be released March 2011.
And a new edition of the fairytale is being released in conjunction on January 25th 2011 by Collins Design (HarperCollins).Trailer for the film, isn't the music perfect?
Does Red Riding Hood have your interest? How do you feel about adult takes on classic stories? Are their any adult films based on classic fairy tales you recommend?
I haven't heard of this movie before, but wow it looks amazing and really dark, thanks for bringing this to my attention. I also really like Amanda Seyfried so it's a win win!